Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blog #3: Reflective Searching...

For me, searching the web for information is not a hard task. As adults, we should be able to use effective search strategies and not fall behind the generations of youth that are either right behind us or well past our usage of searching the web. Young people today are the Google generation, but are finding the Internet a place to explore and learn more technology. It is bad enough that youth of today have what I call, "million dollar phones", where they can email, text and talk all at the same time. Libraries are not being used by this generation of youth, as it was when I was younger, rather the youth of today are using search engines to do the librarians' job. What I have in common with teens in terms of searching the web, is that I also chunk information that is relevant to what I'm searching for. I also use some of the squirming behavior, not too much, and the horizontal information seeking behaviors. Today, I see that the adults are heading in the direction of being called the Google generation of 2013-2014, as things are just easier through a trusted search engine.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blog #2: The Four Resources...

InfoWhelm Video: -Information never stops and there has to be many ways to store our data -5 billion gigabytes = 5 exabytes (I've never heard of exabytes!!!) -Every year exabytes of data get larger and larger -Education has always been re-teaching and mastering memory, now it seems students can find everything on-line... My Daily Info-Wrangling Routine: -I like that Seek, Sense, and Share framework as it explains how we displace information using various Web tools -This was a very interesting blog that not only show the organization of data, but the types of media that are extremely useful... Creating Classrooms We Need: -I believe that schools will become a thing of the past, and visual and on-line interactions will increase -Student's should be more responsible for their learning as teachers should let them explore the many tools of learning, as well as have a fun and cooperative learning environment... The Journey from Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency: -Teachers should use more technologies in their classrooms as it is beneficial for the 21st century learning... All of these resources have a main commonality, which is the use of technology and how it could expand the knowledge of teachers and most importantly, students.